Wednesday 27 May 2009


NOT SPAM!!!!!!!!

9/11 - Afghanistan - Iraq - Pakistan - Palestine - War on Terror - NATO

• In February 2003 millions of protesters marched in Britain to stop the imminent war on Iraq. People had had little time to organise before “operation enduring freedom”, aka the 2001 invasion of Afghanistan. But by 2003 popular opinion had shifted, despite the propaganda machine’s efforts. The theory that blow-back was the cause for 9/11 had begun to take root, and an aggressive foreign policy response in the middle east was deemed counter productive. At the same time, information started to leak about the Bush/Cheney connections with big-oil.

• Deeper underground, a 9/11 truth movement had started to flourish. Information regarding the Bush/Bin Laden family connections and gaping holes in the 9/11 Commission Report and NIST report started talk of a cover up of what had really happened at Ground Zero.

• By 2004, the view point that George Bush was merely continuing the mission his father had started began to surface. By 2008, US approval rating for government and particularly George Bush had dropped dramatically. By then, the war had expanded with Iran and Pakistan being targeted in the war on terror. Obama came in promising peace, sadly there is currently no end in site for troops in Iraq and Afghanistan has seen an increase in bloody activity. US military activities have also spilled over into Pakistan quite dramatically.

• Another side to the war on terror is how it has come into our own streets. “Home-grown” terrorism becoming a predominant issue in the controlled corporate media with Orwellian raids on Muslim communities becoming commonplace. Rarely, if ever have any of these raids lead to charges. The Harringey Ricin plot and last year’s “liquid bomb” plot, for example, having both been exposed. Fear mongering in the west is still common place and the rise of the police state is the direct result of this war on terror.

• On other fronts, we have seen NATO expanding it’s role dramatically to encircle Russia. NATO Radar/Missile shields in Eastern Europe have angered citizens there as well as the Kremlin. When Georgia started to engage in genocide in South Ossetia, information came out to suggest that Georgia is merely a US puppet government. When this front is not part of the war on terror, one must ask why NATO is looking for trouble with Russia?

• The military Industrial complex has been making lots of money. Private armies, mercenary forces like Blackwater, are being used to side step laws and accountability. Army suicide rates are through the roof. Not to mention the numbers killed in combat... and not to mention the millions of innocents who have died in the middle east. And not to mention the gratuitous use of phosphorous and depleted uranium and other “experimental” weapons. Wars are generally profit/power schemes where people are divided and played against each other.

Codex Alimentarius - Climate Change - HAARP - GMO - Chemical Warfare - Carbon Trading - UN Deception

• Farmers in India have been committing suicide by ingesting the MonSanto pesticides they were told would bring them prosperity. Corporations are pushing chemicals into our food supply. Citizens around the world are ingesting fluoride, aspartame, MSG and a range of other poisons as part of their regular diet.

• The corporations have been playing with genetic engineering, splicing the genes of insects with mammals and vegetables. Messing around with the very DNA of our world, and these experiments are already out of the lab and in circulation. The effects of these experiments on our eco-system are unknown.

• We are told to worry about our climate when the biggest polluters are the corporations... The UN’s WWF tells us our ice caps are disappearing when hundred of scientists dispute the theory. We then to be taxed on our carbon emissions... more carbon, more revenue. Al Gore’s documentary was debunked when it was revealed that increases in temperature precede increases in methane emissions.

• And now we hear talk of Codex Alimentarius where they are going to make it illegal to purchase more than 50mg of Vitamin C. A global food supply control grid with the corporations at the top pshing their GMO on us. Codex will be enforced by the WTO and it must be stopped.

• Big-pharma is a minefield of corruption. From the development of the AIDS and bird-flu viruses to mercury filled vaccines. Gulf war syndrome. Using Africans as free guinea pigs. Cancer viruses, healthcare corruption... this is a very deep and dark rabbit hole to go down.

Montary System - Merchant and Central Banks - Private Control - Fiat Money - Resources - corporations - Toxic Finance - Government Contracts

• We are told we live in world of free trade, yet the EU has a policy of subsidising EU food producers making it impossible for the 3rd world to compete.

• The global village is a world of inter-dependent states where no-one state is self sufficient. The precariousness of this situation should be obvious.

• The entire global money supply is fake. Fiat currency which used and controlled by the large central banks to orchestrate financial crises, under the veil of chicago school free trade (which is anything but free trade). To further the effectiveness of their control, the banks have developed fractional reserve, derivatives and other toxic financial instruments. Effectively the global economy is the mother of all ponzi schemes.

• People are used as collateral and our legal and economic framework has us all totally enslaved in a fiat empire (and if you think I’m talking about an italian car manufacturer you have a lot of research to do).

Posse Commentatus - Human Rights - War on Drugs Martial Law - Homeland Security - CIA - MI5/6
Mossad - Stop and Search - Terrorism Act - Patriot Act - FEMA Camps - Agents Provocateur

• 1984 is becoming a reality as our civil liberties are eroded and we are forcible encouraged to conform to the system. There are millions of statutes, each one has eaten away at our freedom as human beings on this planet. Innocent until proven guilty is fast becoming guilty until proven innocent. “Crime prevention”, need I say more.

• The number crunching, quota hungry policy enforcers are only revenue collection agents and we must resist paying fines for victimless crimes.

• Retna scanning, fingerprints, DNA swabs and the database state are all evidence of how controlled we already are, wether you’re being arresting or getting on plane to go on holiday.

• The police are increasingly militarised, using armored vehicles and body armor that is reminiscent of star wars. The civilian population has been disarmed and the policy enforcement officers have been armed. Crime explodes and this is used as the excuse to further the cycle.

• An analysis of the war on drugs will evidence corporate interest in legislation as well as incredible double standards by the government in collusion with the military (vietnam, afghanistan, the CIA’s crack cocaine program

Bilderberg - Neo-Cons - Climate Tsars - CFR - Chatham House - Central Banks - Zionists
UN - IMF - EU - NAU - Freemason Hierarchy - Secret Societies - Globalisation

• A select few families and individuals have accumulated so much power we can find their fingerprints over every facet of our life in their legal/financial system. It is not the upper-class, it is the absolute elite. And their many faces are known by anyone who has taken the time to do slightest bit of research on what the New World Order actually is.
• They are behind the evolution of our legal systems. They are the controllers of the global fiat monetary system. They are puppet-masters, the kingmakers, the commodity tzars. They are unaccountable. Their pyramid hierarchy has reached from our national or religious leaders down to the police on the beat and the teachers in the schools.

• You will find their policy makers at Bilderberg, Council on Foreign Relations, Chatham House, TriLateral Commission. You will find them in organisations pushing globalisation such as the UN, EU and the NAU.

• They use law, eugenics, compartmentalisation, public relations and marketing and a range of other techniques to trick us into executing their plans. Their power is so great and has been growing for so long that they have been experts of deception. Their methods are well thought out and they have established infrastructure that is so huge that man of those who are aware of it lose all hope in humanity.

• Donald Rumsfeld and Codex Alimentarius, Kissenger and the Obama selection at Bilderberg, the Bush and Kerry secret brotherhood of death, Cheney and Rockefeller at the CFR, Rothschild and the battle of Waterloo, Prescott Bush and Hitler, Rothschild and the Illuminati and Zionism, the creature from jekyl island... these are all historically well documented facts. Northwood, Rebuilding America’s Defenses, Gulf of Tonkin, presedential assassination attempts... all documented and available for you to rediscover and put the pieces of the puzzle together.

• The consistency in policy demonstrates the existence of an elite conspiracy and it’s time we stopped believing it could never be. It is. The New World Order is active and reaching full spectrum dominance.

• So many people now have so much access to information and increased ability to correspond with one another. A growing number of people around the world are waking up to the New World Order. Never before has it been in such open view and so easy to understand. It’s also becoming easier to predict. The number of awake people is in the 10s, maybe 100s of millions globally. And the numbers are growing faster and faster.

Revolution/Reform - Information War - Unity - The Freeman Movement - Cunning Plans

• Revolutions are usually bloody. A situation of conflict arises between 2 groups whereby one group wins over the other group. Riots, executions, vandalism, opportunism... And with reform, it’s always easier to make new statute laws rather than erasing old acts of parliament.

• The war on terror is also a war on information. Dis-info, media sensationalism, political bias, hidden agenda... the truth is hard to find but it is within reach. Getting hold of the facts requires alot of hard research. Read ALL the papers, watch the headlines on all the channels, check the foreign news (as much of it as you can get hold of), use the internet. Read the blogs, get involved in the forums, scour the independent media which bourgeoning. Seek the truth.

• Unite with your fellow human beings. Join community groups, attend public meetings and share your information. If you have done your research properly you will more than likely be bringing more accurate intelligence to the table. Wake people up! Encourage unity with the aim of finding the common ground where we all aggree.

• Things are moving fast post-2000. For the NWO, but also for us. In tandem with the global awakening, a Freeman movement has started to roll. The most likely remedy is a matter of law. Common Law. Individuals are declaring sovereignty from the state and all it’s statute laws. Removing the “security of the person” from the clutches of government. Taking the collateral away from the power-mongers. The answer is not in a street battle with the cops. It’s in the legally binding paper work of our bureaucracy. We can withdraw from our contractual obligations in our legal system. It’s lawful rebellion, it’s peaceful, prosperous and effective.

• Investigate the links provided on this flyer. Research and become aware of the illusion and the deception we have sleep walked into. Spread the knowledge, unite. Freedom, prosperity and peace is possible, lawfully.

Free your body and soul by freeing your mind first!


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